Customer Testimonials

Proudly rated 5/5 from 1000+ customers

  • Aprreciate the service my guy!

    I only put Quality in my Mouth Ya Dig! My latest custom grillz and jewelry all made here. - Lil Flip

  • Best prices in central Texas!

    If it aint broken don't fix it, so I gotta Grill and a Rolex. TJ&CO is a Texas Gem - MJG

  • I love saving money with TJ!

    Diamonds are FOREVER when you purchase at TJ&CO. - Michael Blackston

  • Quick and Easy

    I needed a new grill for a video shoot in a timely manner. The clock was ticking. TJ&CO had my grill back in no time! - King Kyle Lee

  • Its the deal

    I am extremely sensitive to metals. Not all gold is good. The quality of the gold is why I shop here. Go tell a friend to tell a friend. Thank You! - TRE NUBS

  • South Side!

    I'm shining everywhere I go. My friend introduced me to TJ&CO after a bad experience with a competitor. I feel like I saved over %50 percent. The great service is worth as much as the jewelry! - TEDDY RAY

  • Super Great Service!

    Whether I shop online or go inside service is always consistent. I appreciate the prices more then anything. I was able to buy a gift special occasions without breaking my pocket. Thanks TJ! - Rock Ali

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